About colon cancer
Bowel cancer is a disease that affects one in twenty Belgians. Bowel cancer is in third place on the list of most deadly cancers, after lung cancer and breast cancer. Every year 3000 people in Belgium lose the fight against this silent killer, which is often detected too late.

Statistics in Belgium
1 in 20 Belgians are diagnosed with bowel cancer at some point. This means that some 500,000 Belgians will be faced with this disease sooner or later. Every day there are 22 new cases of colon cancer and 8 people who die from the disease.

Detect the 'silent killer'
The progression from benign polyp to cancer is a slow process. The sooner it is detected, the better the chance of recovery.
The disease can be detected by doing a simple test.

The test should be done regularly and in good time
This cancer mainly affects people aged over 50. That is why it is sometimes referred to as an old-age disease. However, 15% of colon cancer patients are younger than 50. We therefore recommend preventative testing from the age of 45. You are advised to repeat the test annually thereafter as there is a 90% chance of recovery if it is detected early.
All about bowel cancer
in 9 slides

In the top 3 of the most common forms of cancer
Increased risk from the age of 50

Increased risk from the age of 50
Awareness starts with you

Awareness starts with you
A widespread problem

A widespread problem
No one is immune

No one is immune
Your consumption behaviour can have an adverse effect

Your consumption behaviour can have an adverse effect
A silent killer that has been lurking for years

A silent killer that has been lurking for years
Prevention is better than cure

Prevention is better than cure
Affects both men and women ruthlessly

Affects both men and women ruthlessly
The bare facts
on bowel cancer in Belgium
A statistic that we can change together

new cases every day
deaths per day
Help us do something about it
use the hashtag!

Tie a knot in your toilet paper!
FECOTEST® can prevent a lot of sorrow.
Get the test before it's too late.
Tell your family and friends!
We support NPO Stop Darmkanker (Stop Bowel Cancer). Dr Luc Colemont puts his motto "sharing knowledge can save lives" into practice every day by giving lectures at various locations.